LD5 Bylaws and Amendment Process

Understanding and Improving Our LD5 Bylaws

Bylaws serve as the foundation of our Legislative District, outlining how we operate, make decisions, and fulfill our mission.

As a PC in LD5, familiarizing yourself with our bylaws helps you participate effectively and understand the proper procedures for our organization.

Whether you’re a seasoned PC or newly appointed, we encourage you to read our bylaws carefully and help us ensure they’re followed consistently.


Download a Copy of the LD5 Bylaws

What’s inside the LD5 Bylaws? Key sections in our bylaws include:

  • Article II: The object and purpose of our district
  • Article III: Membership qualifications and duties
  • Article V: Officer roles and responsibilities
  • Article VII: Meeting procedures and voting requirements
  • Article VIII: Election processes for officers and State Committeemen

Plus a lot more – please download and become familiar with them so you can participate effectively in meetings, understand your rights and responsibilities as a PC, and help ensure our district operates according to established Republican principles. Having this knowledge empowers you to be an active voice in shaping our district’s future and contributing to its success.

Download a Copy of the MCRC Bylaws

Understanding the Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC) bylaws is crucial for every Precinct Committeeman. These county-level bylaws provide essential context for how our local district operates within the larger party structure.

By familiarizing yourself with these guidelines, you’ll be better prepared to participate effectively in the Annual Statutory Meeting, engage in meaningful discussions, and contribute to the county party’s strategic goals.

Consider these bylaws your roadmap to more informed and impactful participation in our Republican community.

ld5 bylaws embossed on a book

Bylaw Amendments

If you identify areas for improvement, the amendment process allows all PCs to contribute to making our district function better. Your thoughtful input helps strengthen our organization and ensures our bylaws reflect the collective wisdom of our members. Below is an excerpt directly from the LD5 Bylaws describing the amendment process.


These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the District by a two-thirds vote, provided that the amendment has been submitted to the members in writing at the previous regular meeting and has been included in the meeting notice, or otherwise sent by mail or electronic mail no later than ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be voted upon. Any bylaw amendment achieving ratification will become effective upon adjournment of the meeting at which ratification occurs.

Filling out this form will take some research and effort on your part but will ultimately result in better, more usable Bylaws.

Information Required on the Form

This is the information you should have prepared before submitting (we recommend preparing a text document and copying and pasting your information into the form):

      • Initiator Name:
      • Precinct:
      • Bylaw Article:
      • Bylaw Section:
      • Bylaw Subsection: (if applicable)
      • New Bylaw Section or Subsection: (if applicable)
      • Proposed Amendment:
      • Mark-Up: Indicate your proposed amendment in the following manner: new text should be bold and underlined, and deleted text should be struck out. Do not use color, as it won’t display properly when printed.
      • If Adopted it will read: Include the final wording of the bylaw as amended here:
      • Rationale: Please give the rationale behind your proposed bylaw amendment: 100 words or less.

We appreciate your commitment to enhancing our community and look forward to reviewing your thoughtful proposals. Your input is invaluable in shaping the future of LD5. Together, we can ensure that our bylaws reflect the needs and aspirations of all members. Remember, every voice matters and your participation is crucial for a vibrant and engaged community.

AZ LD5 Gop Logo State of Arizona Republican Party from Legislative District 5

Not sure if you are registered to vote? 
Need Election Information?
Get the info at Be Ballot Ready by clicking the button above.

Access all the essential information required to successfully complete your LD5 Precinct Committeemen Form. NOTE, you must be a registered Republican!

Ensure you reside in Legislative District 5. Enter your home address to discover your Legislative District.

Jackie Allen AZ LD5 Chairman 2025

Jackie Allen

Charlotte Perez - 1st vice chair AZ LD5 gop

1st Vice Chair
Charlotte Perez

David Ludwig 2nd vice chair az ld5 2025

2nd Vice Chair
David Ludwig

Stephanie Kelly Treasurer ld5 az gop

Stephanie Kelly

Gretchen Peterson - Secretary AZ LD5 Gop 2025

Gretchen Petersen