Become a PC in LD5

What is a Precinct Committeemen?

Precinct Committeemen (PC) serve as the vital foundation of the Republican Party. Becoming a PC is an excellent opportunity to engage with the Republican Party at the grassroots level. As the closest political representatives to the voters, we maintain regular interactions with party officials. A PC plays a crucial role in electing district, county, and state party officers, as well as delegates to the Presidential Convention and Republican National Committee members.

What does a PC do?

Every PC brings unique talents and perspectives to the table, contributing to the vibrant tapestry of our Republican party. We wholeheartedly encourage all PCs to engage actively in our mission to strengthen the Republican party and secure victories in upcoming elections. We anticipate that PCs will embrace the following responsibilities:

      • Promote the Republican Party and Canidates.
      • Attend the MCRC Statutory Meeting to vote on county leadership, resolutions, and bylaws. (Annual Mandatory Meeting)
      • Attend LD5 monthly meetings to remain up to date on issues and receive important updates.
      • Get Out the VOTE efforts: Door knocking neighborhoods, Phone Banking, Texting, Work the Polls.
      • Republican Party needs your help. Bring your unique skills!

How do I qualify? 

Becoming a PC is straightforward. To qualify, you need to be a registered Republican who embraces Republican values. Additionally, ensure that your precinct has open PC positions available.

How Long does a PC serve?

Precinct Committeemen are elected every August in even-numbered years, serving a vital role in our political landscape. Their term lasts until the next primary election, giving them a full two years to make an impact.


Become A PC in LD5

Download and fill out this .pdf form from the Maricopa County Republican Committee board. You will need to sign the form – wet signature only (NO DIGITAL SIGNATURE ALLOWED).

Upload a scan or photo of the completed form via the contact form below.

Your application will be sent to the LD5 District Chair.

Precinct Committeman Resignation Form

Serving as a Precinct Committeeman is a vital role in our local Republican Party. We understand that life’s circumstances can change, and sometimes stepping back is the most responsible decision. If you find yourself unable to fully commit to the responsibilities of a PC, we appreciate your honesty in helping us find a dedicated replacement who can continue serving Legislative District 5.

By completing this resignation form, you’re helping us maintain an active and engaged team of community leaders. Your service, even if it must come to an end, has been valuable to our district. We appreciate the time and effort you’ve invested in supporting our local Republican community. Download the form using the button below, fill it out and submit it using the form on this page.

AZ LD5 Gop Logo State of Arizona Republican Party from Legislative District 5

Not sure if you are registered to vote? 
Need Election Information?
Get the info at Be Ballot Ready by clicking the button above.

Access all the essential information required to successfully complete your LD5 Precinct Committeemen Form. NOTE, you must be a registered Republican!

Ensure you reside in Legislative District 5. Enter your home address to discover your Legislative District.

Jackie Allen AZ LD5 Chairman 2025

Jackie Allen

Charlotte Perez - 1st vice chair AZ LD5 gop

1st Vice Chair
Charlotte Perez

David Ludwig 2nd vice chair az ld5 2025

2nd Vice Chair
David Ludwig

Stephanie Kelly Treasurer ld5 az gop

Stephanie Kelly

Gretchen Peterson - Secretary AZ LD5 Gop 2025

Gretchen Petersen